Parametric Modelling of building systems, form-finding and efficient form

Through the study of a wide range of complex built architectural study-cases, the student is introduced to generative modelling control and analysis. The work is focused on the generalization of the building system by understanding the geometric dependencies and its constructive constraints which have to be defined and evaluated. The challenge is then to propose enhancements to the system and a study of constructive trade-offs when the building system is applied to an arbitrary geometry.

This consultancy oriented approach comes along with the study of different form-finding modelling strategies for efficient structures that are the basis of the next semester. The scope of this part covers curvature and topology, complex systems modelling, dynamic relaxation and optimization. Several intensive and transversal workshops will be deployed to ground these subjects.

S1.FF Form Finding of efficient structures

This module consist on a series of seminars dedicated to the study of different form-finding techniques. Students, arranged in teams should prepare a presentation, a proof-of-concept model and digital simulation that will be presented in class. 

  • Form active and bending active strategies: implementation, simulation and analysis

  • Form active: springs, catenary, funicular, trusses, tensile

  • Bending active: compliant mechanisms, hinges, rods, planks, shells

  • Complex modelling: hybrid systems


S1.BSO Building System Optimization

Hands-on sessions where students develop the core task in the subject, that is the study of the technological principle behind a series of buildings proposed by teachers. This module is divided in 2 blocks. During the first one, students re-model the building trying to reach the higher possible level of detail, while in the second one, they readapt this fabrication strategy to a provided arbitrary surface.

  • Analysis and parametric modelling of case study building systems

  • Building system adaptation to arbitrary surface and proposal of geometrical and constructive optimization